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Dane-gerous Driving

The Great Belt Fixed Link, seen from the Zealand side.Image via WikipediaUNDERTAKING seems to be a commonplace occurrence on the motorways of Denmark. I notice it daily - mad souls veering from lane to lane because they absolutely, positively have to be there on time. Or not.

I just think they are shit drivers.

But wait! I have evidence. Well, a theory.

Ok, just a thought (and those are rare these days).

Thing is, the Danes have only recently come into money. The past ten or twelve years saw them realise the value of the enormous apartments and houses they have lived in for decades. (Apparently, profits from the sale of properties used to be taxed heavily, discouraging people to sell to earn a few bob.) So after they sold and made a packet over night, they all fancied themselves as well to do and went and bought motors.

Until then, they'd always cycled. What happened? Of course, they immediately started driving the same way they cycle - on a whim, haphazardly, capriciously. It's because their road heritage is on two wheels and self-propelled, whereas I come from a place and time (Croydon, the 1980s), where all any 17-year-old kid wanted to do was get a car.

Upshot? I'm a better driver.

So there.
Zemanta Pixie

CD Sales Down, LP Sales Up | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

CD Sales Down, LP Sales Up | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Young Woman

Tammy Parnell,
Loan Officer
"I think at this point people are just fucking with the record industry as a whole."

from The Onion.

Today I took a step towards integration

As of 2003, a Big Mac cost almost one Quarter less in Canada.Image via WikipediaA MOMENT of minor madness that surprised me saw the on-the-spot purchase of peas during my lunch break. Danes love peas. They eat them straight from the pod, bag upon bag of them. Parents give them to their kids here in the same way that parents in the UK placate their raging offspring with Big Macs (at least, that's how I remember it).

So, for the princely sum of 20 dkk, which is about 20 British pence, I bought this cup for my afternoon snack.

I am eating them as I write this. See their green, fresh goodness. Enjoy the satisfying pop somewhat akin to squeezing a bulbous polyp of acne, as you burst the pod and break the still tethered peas from their umbilical cords. Yes, fresh, health vegetables.

They taste disgusting.

But I am still eating them.

Is this their power?

They are growing on me.

Help. What shall I do?

Next I'll be eating carrots after lunch like my Danish colleagues - apparently they are an excellent, natural teeth-cleaner.

Zemanta Pixie

Action rhyme

Idle Wikipedia browsing,
I stumble across this page
A time of madness
And blood
And rage
Be young once more
Wield the Uzi
Follow these links
All are doozies
While I promise
This is the only time
That I'll ever
Blog in rhyme.

Category:1980s action films - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zemanta Pixie