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TDC, won't you help me?

{{Potd/2006-09-1 (en)}}Image via WikipediaI HAVEN'T written this blog post.

It does not exist because my home web connection installed by Denmark's TDC has been on the fritz for two weeks now.

So I haven't been blogging.

This is/isn't here.

It has not been knocked out in a few minutes during my work day because I am a conscientious employee. That said, some folk are allowed to smoke a fag for ten minutes a few times a day, so this is, er, my fag break.

It drives me nuts having no internet at home. I have been relying on my BlackBerry, which has gamely stepped up to plate, providing me with my weather, recipes, footie news, and Twitter posts. But it is not the real thing.

Plan is that normal service will resume next week, but we'll see.

I don't want to have to keep writing these blogs that don't exist.

Written while listening to: The 5th Dimension - Bobbie's Blues (Who Do you Think OfH)
via FoxyTunes

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1 comment:

NotQuiteDanish said...

I think I would need psychiatric care if our's went off - it's my lifeline. ha' en god weekend.