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Drunken Swede tries to row home from Denmark

Straits named Belt or Sund in denmark and sout...Image via WikipediaTHIS UNFORTUNATE chap will be mocked and laughed at for years to come, but you know what I say?

I say salute the sea-faring hero!

Show me the man who hasn't embarked upon a hairbrained scheme after a few too many sherberts. Why, I myself remember nearly killing myself as a youth walking home in the middle of winter one night in Croydon 20 years ago, far too many pints swilling around inside me, a worn Crombie overcoat keeping the cold at bay. I thought, as the temperature plunged ever lower, that wouldn't it be nice to just curl up in a quiet front garden and sleep.

I probably would have died from exposure.

Probably happens a lot every winter.

But this fella, hail him, a septuagenarian no less, decides to row five kilometres across the particularly busy and choppy Øresund, to his Swedish home. Not content with this feat of seamanship, I like best the fact that he gave up along the way and entrusted his fate to the tides and currents.

The Danes are loving this story, I am sure, given their penchant for slagging the Swedes and their drinking habits. But I think this man should be commended for his initiative. The Danes, I am sure, would have considered it for six months, hired a brace of overpaid consultants to investigate it, and then ask the world and his wife if it was ok.

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