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Avant-garde on the FM

LISTENING to sideways, electro-zap popsters Radiohead on an in-car FM transmitter presents some problems, as I discovered this morning. As I whizzed up the motorway and got into the more deserted areas of Denmark, strange local broadcasters started muscling in on the empty frequencies my cheapo Belkin occupies when bouncing an MP3 signal to the car radio.

The occasional hiss and crackle left me wondering, is this a Radiohead song or just interference? At one point, the volume of the track playing sunk so low, the Belkin though the player had been turned off and so duly shut itself down.

Lesson: save your weirdo music for home and interference-free environments.

1 comment:

Graham Sibley said...

Gave up with ours in the car after it's first use. It now sits on top of the portable stereo in the kitchen